Music Coaching & Advice

Do you need advice and assistance with planning out an upcoming release or booking a tour?
Many artists choose to self manage, but sometimes having extra input from industry professionals can help you focus and create marketing and promotional strategies.
Our consultancy service allows you to delve into the experience and knowledge of our team to help you formulate promotional strategies and ideas for upcoming releases and tours.
Consultancy services start from £40 per hour.
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M2TM Brum Heat 1 Winners!
Birmingham – what a way to kick off the heats for this year’s Metal 2 The Masses with a sold out show! Congratulations to our

Here’s part one of the Birmingham Metal to the Masses 2023 line-up!
Heat 1 – Saturday 4th Feb Kensei Trick of the Light TBC Born Zero Event: Tickets: Heat 2 – Friday 17th Feb Decimated

CapsaArx Presets: Grace & Fire and Cancel Tomorrow announced as supports for Tiberius
Scottish Progressive Metal Band Tiberius are bringing their tongue in cheek, melodic technical live show to Birmingham on 31st May 2022 for CapsaArx presents, alongside

CapsaArx Presents: Tiberius & Azure in Birmingham
Scottish Progressive Metal Band Tiberius have joined Azure to bring their live show to the home of metal here in Birmingham. You can catch Tiberius,